Meet Coach Molly

Growing up as a competitive swimmer, I was built with a drive to challenge my mind and body in unique ways. Starting at six years old, I learned how hard work and consistency could help me reach my goals. At the same time, I was learning to ignore anxiety and nerves, push through pain and put my sport above everything else.

At the age of twelve, I was experiencing shoulder pain and learned I had developed swimmer’s shoulder, a common overuse injury amongst swimmers. With all the pain it was causing, I had a choice: keep swimming or experience pain for the rest of my life. Even at a young age, making the decision to take a year off was simple.

After that year off, I returned to high school swimming, started going to the gym recreationally and felt excited about investing my time and energy in movement. However, it did not mark an end to injuries and pain. In high school and college, I suffered from whiplash, in combination with pre-existing scoliosis, led to other chronic issues, yet I persisted. 

When I got to college, my desire for a “fit” lifestyle continued, leading me to the weight room. Working at the gym on campus and lifting two hours a day, I fell in love with strength training and thought I was learning the dos and don’ts of the gym and lifting. However, I was under-eating, depriving myself of carbs, developing chronic pain and so much more. Without realizing it, I became consumed by my fitness routine in unhealthy ways.

After college, I moved to Colorado. In my first year there, I was lucky to have my own personal trainer who helped me discover how to exercise without pain, recover properly and take a step back from what I thought I knew.

From that experience and a small glimpse of what it was like to exercise pain-free, my mindset on fitness shifted. I realized that fitness was about gaining strength, challenging your body and mind and finding balance in your daily life, just like I had felt in my early days of swimming. And that mindset gave me the energy I needed to work towards a goal that had always felt impossible, completing a sprint triathlon.

Fitness is about gaining strength, challenging your body and mind and finding balance in your daily life.

Want to Learn More?

I offer a variety of services to help my athletes gain strength, speed and show up on race day with confidence. Check out my services to learn more. 

From the moment I started my training plan, I fell in love with the process. I rediscovered my love for swimming, found joy in running and got back on a bike for the first time in 6 years. And once I entered the triathlon world, I was reminded of how important food is for fuel and that depriving myself would hurt me in the long run. 

Now, I’m thriving as a personal trainer, triathlete, runner, swimmer, swim coach, weight lifter, plant-based eater, yogi and rock climber. My workout styles are constantly changing but my goal stays the same – stay active, pain free, find joy in movement and help my clients do the same.

When I’m not working out, cooking or working with clients, I love to listen to a new podcast, hang out with friends, read a good book or spend time outside. The moral of my story is that you don’t have to be extreme to be consistent. If you’re ready to level up your training, build new habits or simply change up your routine, I’d love to work with you.

Ready to Change Your Story?

This is the story of my fitness journey but everyone’s story is unique. Yours is just getting started. What are you waiting for?